luni, 19 septembrie 2016

Extraterestrial Head Hunting

Preferam sa pun postarea asta direct pe FB dar conteaza ordinea in care vedeti toata vanatoarea.
Cand aveti un proiect mai deosebit, mai SF, si vreti niste detalii impresionante, pun pariu ca v-ar place sa aveti niste cpapete de extraterestrii gramada intr-un colt, itzindu-se pe fundul unei gropi sau fiind infundate intr-o crevasa.
When you are thinking at a new project in he Sci-Fi/Fantasy range and you are looking for some impressive details in your setting, I bet you would love some ET heads, gathered in a pile somewhere, surfacing on the bottom of a ditch or squeezed in some crevice of a rock.
Bineinteles ca pot fi facute din Fimo sau alta pasta minune, dar metoda pe care v-o propun va scuteste de timp pierdut. In plus am observat ca varietatea naturala nu poate fi imitata de catre fiintele rationale.
Of course you can do some from Fimo or any other wonder paste but the method I am proposing buys you some good working time. I've noticed that natural variety can not be imitated by rational beings.
Deci, data viitoare cand va mai duceti la tara.... So, next time you are doing a trip in the country side....
Get closer to the flowers,

Si incercati sa gasiti o gura leului uscata ! And try to find a dried Dragon flower (Snapdragon)
Cand se usuca, semintele sunt pastrate in capsule cu orificii. When dry, seeds are protected in pierced capsules.
Luati cateva si curatati-le de sepale (sau nu) .... Take some of them and remove sepals (or don't)....

Apoi le mai puteti decupa, ciopli si vopsi pentru a se potrivi in peisaj. Then you can cut parts of them, carve them or paint them to suite your setting.

I will definitely use some to enhance my Alien Diorama

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